Do you want to mail a check?
NH Disctrict 15
P.O. Box 1338
Dover, NH 03821-1338
AA Helpline Volunteers Needed!
Join Us at the District 15 Monthly Meeting!
ThursdayNovember 7th Elections for District 15:
Open Positions: Chair, DCM, Secretary, Treasurer, Literature and Zoom
Meetings are held the first
Thursday of every month @ 7pm
In Person:
First United Methodist Church
34 South Main Street
Rochester, NH
Thinking of a Service Position?
General Service Representative (G.S.R.)
GSR A.A. Handbook
District 15 Open Positions
Women's Corrections:
Long term (2 years) sobriety is required of the District Level Positions, check out the expectations, rules, and requirements to see if you qualify.
district 15 news
General Service Representative (G.S.R.):
Working via the district and area committees, the G.S.R. is the group’s link with the General Service Conference, through which U.S. and Canadian groups share their experience and voice A.A.’s collective conscience.
Sometimes called "the guardians of the Traditions," G.S.R.s become familiar with A.A.’s Third Legacy—our spiritual responsibility to give service freely. Usually elected to serve two-year terms, they represent the group at district meetings and area assemblies.
Keep group members informed about general service activities in their local areas.
Receive and share with their groups all mail from the General Service Office, including the newsletter Box 4-5-9, which is G.S.O.’s primary tool for communicating with the Fellowship.
Chair group business meetings. An alternate G.S.R. is elected at the same time in the event that the G.S.R. may be unable to attend all district and area meetings.
Alternate G.S.R.s should be encouraged to share the responsibilities of the G.S.R. at the group, district, and area levels.
(See The A.A. Service Manual, Chapter 2, The Group and its G.S.R., for further information. Any new G.S.R should read the Pamphlet G.S.R. May Be the Most Important Job in A.A’ (Minimum Two Years Sobriety ~ Two Year Term).